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Resilience and the management of non-profit organizations

The COVID-19 pandemic has tested the resilience of many organizations. In their practical and timely book, Dennis Young and Elizabeth Searing take the opportunity to look at the larger question of preparedness in sector groups for dealing with circumstances – society-wide or unique to a specific organization – that threaten their viability.

The future of non-profit work and workers post-pandemic

In the face of unprecedented demand for services, financial vulnerabilities, and a human resources crisis, the sector is at a crossroads. In this introduction to our Work in Progress series, which will examine the key issues relevant to the future of non-profit work and workers, contributor Yvonne Rodney outlines some of the fixes that are needed now.

Climate transition requires a sense of urgency, sector leaders say

Philanthropic foundations can manage their investments to provide much-needed support on the most urgent issues facing the planet in a variety of ways: divestment, transition financing combined with shareholder engagement, impact/ESG investment – or even winding down and freeing up their endowments to accelerate work toward a net-zero Canada by 2050. 

Systemic Islamophobia by the CRA that targets the heart of the community is the worst kind of all

Over the past year, academics and policy experts have been reporting on what appear to be discriminatory practices in the CRA’s audits of Muslim-led charities. Contributor Memona Hossain suggests six ways the sector can help confront this systemic flaw and work with the Muslim charitable sector to build a strong, authentic, and unapologetic Muslim narrative.