Neoliberalism and the assault on community

Co-authors Ted Richmond and John Shields focus on the impact of neoliberalism on health, social, and community services in their new book. It is both a welcome resource for non-profit course work and a stand-alone primer for anyone working in, around, or for the sector, reviewer Peter R. Elson writes.

Pressing forward

In today’s “survival-of-the-nimblest” journalism industry, an October summit organized by media advocacy group Press Forward aims to get people excited about journalism and the future of community-centred media in Canada.



Philanthropy and Funding

Philanthropy in the Global South: A new model?

Two new books explore post-pandemic developments in organized philanthropy across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. They argue the merits of a new approach to philanthropy in these regions, more strongly focused on partnerships, networks, and innovation to create more impact.

Funding narrative change

What can we do to capture attention and meaningfully shift the mindsets on our issues? And how can we do that in a way that prioritizes shifting narrative power to the groups affected by the issues we’re talking about? With a rising number of organizations engaging with narrative change and sharing learnings, more ways of thinking about and approaching the work are emerging.

Case Studies & Guides

Decolonization and Reconciliation

Series on Work in Progress

The future of non-profit work and workers post-pandemic

In the face of unprecedented demand for services, financial vulnerabilities, and a human resources crisis, the sector is at a crossroads. In this introduction to our Work in Progress series, which will examine the key issues relevant to the future of non-profit work and workers, contributor Yvonne Rodney outlines some of the fixes that are needed now.


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Philanthropic leaders reflect on major trends – and tensions

Much ink has been spilled about the tensions in society writ large lately, and this spills over into philanthropy. Ahead of the Philanthropic Foundations Canada conference in September, The Philanthropist Journal spoke to leaders about what trends are top of mind for them this year – and which tensions they’ve noticed of late.

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