Tim Harper

Tim Harper headshot

Tim Harper

Tim Harper is a Toronto journalist and author. He spent more than three decades at the Toronto Star as a reporter, Ottawa bureau chief, Washington correspondent, national editor, and national affairs columnist. Tim covered war and revolution in Latin America, upheaval in Russia, Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans, and the rise of Barack Obama in the United States. He covered seven Canadian elections and three American elections. He is co-author, with Alok Mukherjee, of Excessive Force, a study of policing in Toronto, and a contributor to Fish Wrapped: True Confessions from Newsrooms Past, an anthology of life in the golden age of newspapers.

Written By Tim Harper

La philanthropie au secours des médias locaux

En l’absence de médias locaux, il y a davantage de division dans les communautés, et un désintérêt envers son voisinage, la vie de quartier et ses institutions locales s’instaure, ce qui aboutit sur une perte de confiance. Les solutions proposées par le Forum des politiques publiques visent le secteur philanthropique canadien.