Reinventing and rebuilding community journalism
The revival of Canada’s local news and information landscape requires an ecosystem approach, and philanthropy can play a critical role through strategic funding.
The revival of Canada’s local news and information landscape requires an ecosystem approach, and philanthropy can play a critical role through strategic funding.
A group of foundation leaders is making the case that healthy news ecosystems are critical to the well-being of our communities, planet, democracy – and funders’ missions.
It’s estimated that Canada could add $150 billion to our gross domestic product by 2026 by advancing gender equality and boosting women’s workforce participation. Everyone in the ecosystem of contemporary capital has a part to play, writes Canadian Women’s Foundation CEO Paulette Senior, including philanthropists.
The WES Mariam Assefa Fund’s Marina Nuri reflects on launching a participatory grantmaking pilot project and shares five recommended actions for funders that are seeking to experiment with participatory approaches.
Anyone interested in making a difference in their community should read Breakthrough Community Change, writes Sherri Torjman. It is a treasure trove of wisdom gleaned from decades of experience, thousands of community stories, and evidence-based research.
Policy affects our lives every day. But often, people with vital lived experience aren’t involved in developing, changing, and influencing policy. The Gordon Foundation is working to change that, by creating the space to bring young people and policy experts together so they can create real, long-term change.
With Mother’s Day approaching, it is important to talk about the health and well-being of mothers and their children who have experienced or been exposed to intimate partner violence. The release of the Mass Casualty Commission’s final report and the passing of Keira’s Law have put a spotlight on the issue, but we are still falling short of meeting the needs of survivors and their children. The non-profit and justice sectors have much to learn from each other.
En mai 2016, les médias ont inondé les ondes de nouvelles sur les immenses feux de forêt à Fort McMurray. Les mosquées de tout le pays ont