From the Editor

In this issue, we continue our “return to the basics” in two articles.

First, Barbara Doherty offers advice to lawyers on how to organize the practice to take into account the unique requirements of non-profit corporations.

Second, our regular contributor Laurence Murray and Sally Farr of The Trillium Foundation describe in detail how grantors can evaluate financial statements as part of the overall assessment of grant applications, clearly one of the most important steps that should be undertaken by a grantor.

In his Viewpoint, Walter Pitman, immediate past president of the Ontario Arts Council and now president of the Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, advocates a central role for education in the arts, in the widest sense of that phrase. This desire to see Canadians become “cultural literates” both through increased exposure to, and training in, the arts is growing, and the obvious place for it to be addressed is in existing educational institutions. However the arts have too often been classified as “enrichment” or “frills” and therefore have been the first programs to be sacrificed in our present era of cutbacks. The recent federal Budget does not, unfortunately, suggest that a more enlightened policy has been adopted although some specific organizations may benefit from increases.

Readers who share Walter Pitman’s concerns will also be interested in Bookshelf Editor John Gregory’s review of the Bovey Report, Funding of the Arts in Canada to the Year 2000. Bookshelf also includes reviews of two books on volunteers and volunteerism, recurring topics in this journal. Volunteer service is the reason charitable organizations are not entirely like other businesses. The management of volunteer staff should, therefore, be of vital and continu­ing interest to boards of directors and senior management.

Finally, we note with regret the death of the distinguished Canadian psychologist, Dr. Mary Northway. Dr. Northway’s contributions to her field were well known, her support of causes which she believed would benefit the com­munity in general was, at her own request, less publicized. A few months before her death, Dr. Northway generously donated the funds to establish The Philanthropist Award for Excellence in Legal Writing and Analysis. The award is open to law students of all countries and will be given for an article addressing any legal issue affecting philanthropy in Canada. A distinguished panel of judges has been enrolled and the first recipient will be announced in 1988. (Further information about The Philanthropist Award is on page 66.)


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