News Items

The following Resolution was passed by the Canadian Bar Association at its Annual Meeting held in Banff last year:

“WHEREAS their registration as Canadian Charitable Organizations under the Income Tax Act is ordinarily made public by individual charities in any event:
AND WHEREAS the registration or non-registration of charities under that statute is a matter of public concern:
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that a list of Canadian Charitable Organizations registered under the Income Tax Act (including their· addresses) be maintained and available for search at a reasonable fee at each district office of the Department of National Revenue, Taxation Division:
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that support be given to the proposed amendment of the Income Tax Act to permit the revoca­tion of the registration of a Charitable Organization for cause other than failure to file returns and to permit an appeal to the tax review board and to the federal court against a refusal or revocation of registration.”
The Resolution was subsequently forwarded to the Minister of National Revenue and representations in support of it are currently in course of prepara­tion by the Special Committee on Charitable Organizations.

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Topics for discussion at this year’s Annual Meeting of the Canadian Bar Association to be held in Montreal at the end of August are:

(I) “Investment Policy for Estates under New Tax taw”—the implica­tions of the new Capital Gains Tax.

(Panel Discussion —Chairman: Eric J. Brown Q.C. VicePresident, Canada Permanent Trust Company)

(2) A. “A Rough Time for Charity—a Cross-Country Review of Tax Changes”
B. “Churches and Religious Orders—are they Charities?” (Discussions arranged by the Special Committee on Charitable Organizations -Chairman: John M. Hodgson Q.C.)

(3) “The New Deal in Dying”

(Panel Discussion -Chairman: J. Alex Langford, Q.C.)




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