Don McRae

Don McRae

Don McRae is a retired federal employee who worked with charitable and voluntary organizations for more than 30 years. He has been a volunteer for more than 40 years.

Written By Don McRae

Why we need a national conversation about volunteering

Volunteering is tied to increased rates of belonging and inclusion, and our social services rely on volunteers to deliver their programs, but volunteering rates in Canada are dropping. Volunteer Canada is strategizing to address the challenges and calls for a National Action Strategy for Volunteerism.

Charitable status – lost and found – in 2022

Don McRae writes a newsletter that monitors charity data to see how the sector is changing. In the 2022 revocations, he sees a wake-up call: in particular around the loss of community groups that were hubs of volunteering and community action, and the loss of services and connection that results.

Uncomfortable Advocacy

The Philanthropist published the Moral Imperative for Policy Advocacy by Dr. Roger Gibbins of the Max Bell Foundation on February 16, 2016. This is the