Public Policy

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A brewing showdown over disbursement quotas

During the pandemic, as charities have grappled with the double burden of increased demand for services and reduced capacity to fundraise, some have asked why Canada’s foundations – public and private – aren’t drawing more from their investment accounts to support the causes they funded in the before-times.

After-times: The sector’s role in post-pandemic Canada

This spring, we asked contributor Emily Mathieu to canvass some members of The Philanthropist Journal’s Editorial Advisory Committee – established in November 2020 to provide insights and input into our evolving coverage – and get their views on what the late- and post-pandemic period holds for the sector.

The non-profit sector’s ongoing data deficit

There is hope that the data deficit that has plagued the non-profit sector – the only major sector of Canada’s economy expected to collect its own data – for so long may be ending, but as Imagine Canada’s Cathy Barr writes, this is not the time to back off on our lobbying efforts; it is the time to step them up.