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Closing the finance gap for women

It’s estimated that Canada could add $150 billion to our gross domestic product by 2026 by advancing gender equality and boosting women’s workforce participation. Everyone in the ecosystem of contemporary capital has a part to play, writes Canadian Women’s Foundation CEO Paulette Senior, including philanthropists.

Transition finance: An important strategy on the path to net-zero

Within and among the boards of charitable foundations, a range of viewpoints may exist in terms of what constitutes climate leadership and how to effect meaningful change on the path toward a net-zero-carbon economy. How funds are invested matters, write Greg Elliott and Monika Freyman – and allocating invested assets in ways that accelerate the pace of change matters most.

So you want to fund gender-diverse liberation

As we mark International Transgender Day of Visibility, contributor Désirée Nore Duchesne shares some practical tools for funders who want to support the liberation of gender-diverse people and make our society more equitable, starting with strategic planning and making access to funds a priority.