Case Studies & Guides

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Ontario Trillium Foundation: Four decades of change, challenge, and growth

The Ontario Trillium Foundation was formed in 1982 to provide grants to social service organizations in Ontario communities. Funded by the Ontario government, it began with a $15-million budget that has since grown to more than $100 million in funding across the non-profit sector. The Philanthropist Journal digs into the changes and challenges experienced by OTF on its 40th anniversary.

Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario : Quatre décennies de changements, de défis et de croissance

La Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario a été créée en 1982 afin d’octroyer des subventions à des organismes de services sociaux dans les communautés de l’Ontario. Financée par le gouvernement de l’Ontario, elle a commencé avec un budget de 15 millions $ qui est passé depuis à plus de 100 millions $ de financement dans le secteur sans but lucratif. À l’occasion du 40e anniversaire de la FTO, The Philanthropist Journal se penche sur les changements et les défis qu’a connus la FTO.

Clearing the path to ‘right relations’

The Right Relations Collaborative brings together community-rooted Indigenous change-makers and aligned philanthropic partners to break down the institutional barriers that define conventional philanthropy and, at the same time, find new ways of being in relationship with one another.

It can be done: Catalyzing positive societal impacts through foundations’ invested assets

Canada’s charitable sector has a unique opportunity to help shape the leadership practices and related discourse about sustainable and responsible investment, argue contributors Chad Park and Greg Elliott. In doing so, it can leverage the sector’s significant invested assets to help meaningfully address some of today’s most pressing challenges, they write.