Réflexion sur les vérifications menées par l’Agence du revenu auprès des organisations caritatives musulmanes
Dès l’annonce de l’attentat de la Grande mosquée de Québec, le soir du 29 janvier 2017, la réaction a été rapide et forte au sein de
Dès l’annonce de l’attentat de la Grande mosquée de Québec, le soir du 29 janvier 2017, la réaction a été rapide et forte au sein de
The equitable representation of women in the workforce, especially in leadership, has great potential to improve all sectors, and the charitable sector is uniquely positioned to advance gender equality. Together, there is a lot that organizations across sectors can do, but directing support toward girls and young women stands out as a wise investment in sustainable change.
Suncor Energy Foundation, which celebrated 25 years in 2023 – the hottest year on record – doesn’t shy away from difficult conversations about where its money comes from.
Philanthropy is the target of much criticism, and good critique is part of a conversation. Sector leaders talk about what to do in response to the criticism that philanthropy has failed to provide support “where it’s needed most.”
I’m reluctant to offer a view without evidence, but I’m going ahead because any curious reader can readily find many examples on their own of
The sector’s data problem needs a unified approach, but organizations are struggling to get on the same page. From developing new data-sharing tools to convincing funders that data is crucial to their charitable missions, here’s how non-profits and charities are coordinating a data renaissance.
A group of foundation leaders is making the case that healthy news ecosystems are critical to the well-being of our communities, planet, democracy – and funders’ missions.
With one in five women in Canada experiencing online harassment, and government regulation and corporate motivation lacking, philanthropy has a responsibility to fill the gap, writes the Canadian Women’s Foundation’s Andrea Gunraj.