150 Profiles: Richard Walling

As we mark the 150th anniversary of confederation, The Philanthropist is profiling Canadians from across the non-profit sector and putting a face to 150 individuals who work or volunteer in Canada’s social sector.

Name: Richard Walling 

Current role in the sector: Executive Director, Jeffrey Hale Community Partners

Years working and/or volunteering in the non-profit sector: 30+ years

Richard Wailing profile picture

What was your first job in the sector or a defining moment?
I was hired as a Program Director for Health and Social Services for the Voice of English-speaking Quebec in 1984. The job quickly exposed me to the realities of vulnerable individuals who were having difficulty accessing the services they needed and the positive role that community could play in helping address these needs.

Describe your desk/workspace.
I work at a standing desk plus I have a round table with five chairs where I will often meet with our staff and volunteers.

What are you reading or following that has expanded your understanding of the non-profit sector?
In the early years of my work in the sector I was greatly influenced by the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation and their work with various non-profits. One particular publication that impacted me was, Should you sow what you know?.

What do you think our sector needs to be thinking about?
What matters to me is how do we continue to engage people to work collectively together, especially for those who are the most vulnerable. How do we in the non-profit and charitable sector listen to people and their realities and then plan our efforts accordingly. Presently I am focused with our team on building a wellness centre, one that will hopefully be a place where people are welcome and can get the help they need through the involvement of other volunteers and staff who are part of a true community of care.

Do you know someone we should profile as part of this series? Email us at philanthropistprofiles@gmail.com


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