Book Review: The Shifting Terrain: Nonprofit Policy Advocacy in Canada
The Shifting Terrain: Nonprofit Policy Advocacy in Canada, Nick J. Mulé and Gloria C. Desantis. eds, Montreal & Kingston, Ontario, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017, ISBN
The Shifting Terrain: Nonprofit Policy Advocacy in Canada, Nick J. Mulé and Gloria C. Desantis. eds, Montreal & Kingston, Ontario, McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017, ISBN
The charitable sector is an important force in meeting Canada’s social, economic, cultural, and environmental objectives. As a big part of the economy, the sector
Le secteur caritatif joue un rôle crucial dans l’atteinte des objectifs sociaux, économiques, culturels et environnementaux du Canada. Acteur essentiel de l’économie, le secteur peut
Looking for Bootstraps: Economic Development in the Maritimes, by Donald J Savoie, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Nimbus Publishing, 2017, ISBN 978-177108-481-9 Asked what he would do
Regulating Charities: The Inside Story, Myles McGregor-Lowndes and Bob Wyatt, eds, New York, Routledge, 2017, ISBN 978-1-315563-92-3 Regulating Charities: The Inside Story is a
This article has been adapted from a keynote address to the Canadian Bar Association symposium on charity law, held in Toronto on May 12, 2017.
Introduction Over the last year, many have argued in these pages that the rules restricting Canadian charities from intensive policy engagement should be relaxed or
As we mark the 150th anniversary of confederation, The Philanthropist is profiling Canadians from across the non-profit sector and putting a face to 150 individuals who