La Commission des pertes massives et la possibilité de transformation
Au cours des dernières décennies, le meurtre de 14 étudiantes en ingénierie (et d’une étudiante en soins infirmiers) à l’École polytechnique de Montréal en 1989 constituait
Au cours des dernières décennies, le meurtre de 14 étudiantes en ingénierie (et d’une étudiante en soins infirmiers) à l’École polytechnique de Montréal en 1989 constituait
The revival of Canada’s local news and information landscape requires an ecosystem approach, and philanthropy can play a critical role through strategic funding.
The climate crisis, polarization, wellness – for staff and leaders, digital acceleration, the affordability crisis, trust and collaboration. In a time of “polycrisis,” we asked sector leaders what shifts and challenges they’re focused on.
Groups that aim to restrict transgender, sex worker, and reproductive rights, among others, are “professionalizing” and wielding increasing influence over humanitarian and social justice spaces.
“The schools were government-designed but church-operated,” notes one of the developers of a project called Bring Back the Buffalo. “It’s part of the church history, and today churches and their people are learning and trying to respond appropriately.”
Philanthropy is the target of much criticism, and good critique is part of a conversation. Sector leaders talk about what to do in response to the criticism that philanthropy has failed to provide support “where it’s needed most.”
I’m reluctant to offer a view without evidence, but I’m going ahead because any curious reader can readily find many examples on their own of
The sector’s data problem needs a unified approach, but organizations are struggling to get on the same page. From developing new data-sharing tools to convincing funders that data is crucial to their charitable missions, here’s how non-profits and charities are coordinating a data renaissance.