Mary Louise Dickson

Mary Louise Dickson

Written By Mary Louise Dickson

Give and Take

There has been a considerable lobby in recent months by the Committee of National Voluntary Organizations to amend the provisions of the Income Tax Act

From the Editor…

This issue is the first since the affiliation of The Philanthropist with the Cana­dian Centre for Philanthropy. The editorial committee of The Philanthropist welcomes the establishment of

From the Editor

Our sponsor, the Charties Committee of the Wills Section of the Canadian Bar Association, was established in 1970. Its first discussions in May of that

From the Editor

  This issue of The Philanthropist is devoted to a review of the rules under the Income Tax Act of Canada relating to charities which came

From the Editor

We are pleased to publish a spring issue of The Philanthropist after a two year absence. I am sure that you will be delighted to learn