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Combler les lacunes statistiques du secteur : Promesses et défis de la collecte de données en temps quasi réel

Le Projet Canada Perspectives des organismes de bienfaisance, un projet d’enquête à réponse rapide mené par l’École de politique publique et d’administration de l’Université Carleton, repose sur trois grands piliers : collecter en temps quasi réel des données probantes, militer en faveur de meilleures politiques publiques et offrir de l’éducation communautaire grâce à la capacité d’interpréter les données. Le secteur y participera-t-il?

Charity law reform: Charitable purpose trusts

This is the second in a series of articles focused on various aspects of charity law that have been a burden on the Canadian charitable and non-profit sector for 70 years. The articles are written by members of the Canadian Bar Association’s Charities and Not-for-Profit Law Section, who deal with these issues on behalf of their clients on a regular basis. In this piece, Terrance S. Carter looks at charitable purpose trusts.

Relieving the burden: Charity law reform in Canada?

The complex regulatory environment for charities and not-for-profit organizations in Canada is in desperate need of simplification. Lawyers practising in this area have been writing about the need for reform for many years. In this series, introduced by Yvonne Chenier, they will raise awareness on these friction-causing issues and offer common-sense solutions.

Halifax Mutual Aid: Building shelters and raising awareness about the housing crisis

Grassroots organizations are an integral part of the non-profit sector, responding to needs and shaping how communities care for each other. This profile, the first in a series, looks at how a group of Haligonians, recognizing that vulnerable people had nowhere to go during the pandemic and that government and non-profit organizations weren’t acting quickly enough, came together to fill a pressing need.