Pressing forward
In today’s “survival-of-the-nimblest” journalism industry, an October summit organized by media advocacy group Press Forward aims to get people excited about journalism and the future of community-centred media in Canada.
In today’s “survival-of-the-nimblest” journalism industry, an October summit organized by media advocacy group Press Forward aims to get people excited about journalism and the future of community-centred media in Canada.
The founder of a charity that promotes greater giving in Canada has proposed a mandatory “Social Sector Grant” to build capacity and impact. Is it the type of shake-up a moribund sector needs or the scheming of someone who does not understand how the sector operates?
Systemic inequities represent real barriers that prevent young people from reaching their full potential. Five initiatives inspired by the work of Laidlaw Foundation grantees and advisory committees show a path forward.
Two new books explore post-pandemic developments in organized philanthropy across Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. They argue the merits of a new approach to philanthropy in these regions, more strongly focused on partnerships, networks, and innovation to create more impact.
Funders and conference speakers say they’ll be highlighting non-qualified donees, participatory grantmaking, and youth-led organizing as fundamental to working in philanthropy today at Philanthropic Foundations Canada’s 25th-anniversary gathering.
À l’occasion du 25e anniversaire de Fondations Philanthropiques Canada, les bailleurs de fonds et les conférenciers affirment qu’ils mettront l’accent sur les donataires non reconnus, l’octroi de subventions participatives et l’organisation dirigée par des jeunes, qui constituent des éléments fondamentaux de la philanthropie moderne.
Les collaborations, tout autant que le manque de collaboration, occuperont une place importante lors de la conférence du 25e anniversaire de Fondations philanthropiques Canada, qui se tiendra à Ottawa. Au cours de cette conférence, les dirigeants seront invités à cesser de parler, pour plutôt commencer à agir.
Collaborations, or the lack of them, will feature prominently at the Philanthropic Foundations Canada 25th-anniversary conference in Ottawa, when leaders will be challenged to stop talking and start doing.