Later this year, Canadians will vote in the 43rd federal election. Many non-profit organizations, networks, and coalitions see elections as a critical opportunity to raise relevant public policy issues. Recently, the rules for charities engaging in public policy have become a prominent source of debate and discussion in government and the sector. As we countdown to the next election, The Philanthropist is asking non-profit leaders what public policy issues are top of mind for them.
Name and organization: Alexa Briggs, Calgary Chamber of Voluntary Organizations
What current election issues might impact your work?
CCVO often takes cues on important issues for the sector, by hearing from the sector. More than 500 non-profits across Alberta recently responded to CCVO’s Annual Nonprofit Survey and here’s a sneak peek into the top-of-mind federal election issues:
- Recognition from the federal government of the social and economic value of the non-profit sector.
- Better support from the federal government on:
- Professional development and training;
- Technology improvements; and
- Canada Revenue Agency regulations.
- Support for financial stability through:
- Sustainable, flexible, and non-programmatic funding;
- Social innovation; and
- Tax incentives that encourage philanthropy.
CCVO will prepare a brief that highlights these major themes.
What issues would you like to bring more attention to in the election?
We’d like to draw attention to the influence and the importance of the non-profit sector by encouraging non-profits to get out the vote with CCVO’s #nonprofitsvote campaign. There are more than 26,000 non-profit organizations in Alberta alone – made up of committed staff, volunteers, board members and people who access services. Non-profits contribute to Canada’s economic engine, and the social and cultural fabric of our communities. They strengthen civic and democratic engagement by amplifying the voices of those who might not otherwise be heard. If we use our collective voice to encourage #nonprofitsvote, we can make a difference.
Where can we learn more about these issues?
CCVO’s Nonprofit Federal Vote Kit: #nonprofitsvote
Highlights of the Alberta provincial #nonprofitsvote campaign