150 Profiles: Nicki Dublenko

As we mark the 150th anniversary of confederation, The Philanthropist is profiling Canadians from across the non-profit sector and putting a face to 150 individuals who work or volunteer in Canada’s social sector.

Name: Nicki Dublenko

Current role in the sector: Chair of the Association of Early Childhood Educators of Alberta

Years working and/or volunteering in the non-profit sector: The past 15 years in early childhood, previously involved with environmental organizations.

What was your first job in the sector or a defining moment?
Hmm, I have been so honoured to serve as chair and represent early childhood educators, really understanding the issues and the upstream policies creating the problems in our sector. I feel a huge responsibility to educators, children and families in our province.

Describe your desk/workspace.
Uh, oh. I have had a few back to back presentations and an AGM to prepare for so at the moment there are papers and handwritten notes and snacks…but generally I find my office and desk to be a little place of zen with a huge tree outside, my salt rock on and my special rocks and other natural material around me. Also, I have a quote next to my desk that a colleague once told me: “This is a complex area, and a complex debate. All too often the complexity is hijacked, over-simplified and crudely exploited”.

What are you reading or following that has expanded your understanding of the non-profit sector?
At the moment I only have time to read my textbook: Educational Research: Planning, Conducting, and Evaluating Quantitative and Qualitative Research by John W. Creswell!

What do you think our sector needs to be thinking about?
Specifically, I would like to see professionalization of early childhood educators. Well educated, well valued and well compensated educators to provide high quality early learning and care for our youngest citizens.

Do you know someone we should profile as part of this series? Email us at philanthropistprofiles@gmail.com


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