Litigation As A Tool For Achieving Public Policy Goals: The Us Experience
Editor ’s Introduction While Canadian charities have sometimes used the courts to achieve their purposes, they have done so far less than their American counterparts.
Editor ’s Introduction While Canadian charities have sometimes used the courts to achieve their purposes, they have done so far less than their American counterparts.
Abstract: Canadian charity law has not developed with the clarity and certainty currently found in similar law in many other countries. A new organization, The Pemsel
Challenge and opportunity for nonprofits doing public policy advocacy It is a treat that this edition of The Philanthropist is dedicated to public policy. The
A Pemsel Case Foundation Occasional Paper 1. Introduction Under the present income tax law of Canada, corporations, trusts, and organizations that are registered charities are exempt
Introducing Democracy Talks The university students sitting around the table at the Citizens’ Academy in Ottawa have never met before, but you wouldn’t know it
Professional and personal evolution I have spent my career in two kinds of institutions that most people see as remote from reality: universities and foundations.
Charities are subject to real limits on political activity. However, these limits do not prevent thoughtful and careful policy advocacy related to charitable purposes. Notwithstanding
I. INTRODUCTION Organizations that meet the requirements of paragraph 149(1)(l) are often referred to as “non-profit organizations” (“NPOs”). This article provides an overview of the