Réflexion sur les vérifications menées par l’Agence du revenu auprès des organisations caritatives musulmanes
Dès l’annonce de l’attentat de la Grande mosquée de Québec, le soir du 29 janvier 2017, la réaction a été rapide et forte au sein de
Dès l’annonce de l’attentat de la Grande mosquée de Québec, le soir du 29 janvier 2017, la réaction a été rapide et forte au sein de
The equitable representation of women in the workforce, especially in leadership, has great potential to improve all sectors, and the charitable sector is uniquely positioned to advance gender equality. Together, there is a lot that organizations across sectors can do, but directing support toward girls and young women stands out as a wise investment in sustainable change.
Bursaries and student awards remove barriers for those who have often been excluded from higher education. But it is important to examine the impact of these efforts, both positive and negative, write Nicole McVan and Tanya Rumble, and continuously work to improve the approach.
As Whitehorse celebrates 10 years of Pride, organizer Queer Yukon looks back at its history, from volunteer-run grassroots group to non-profit in 2018. Now the group is weighing whether to become a charity.
In this reflection on Cannexus, the national career-development conference, Ashleigh-Rae Thomas wonders how she and another participant could have such contrasting reactions to discussions of diversity in the workplace. Black, Indigenous, and racialized people all know well the importance of DEI efforts. But what about decision-makers and people in positions of power who feel nonchalant toward, or even attacked by, equity initiatives in the workplace?
En mai 2016, les médias ont inondé les ondes de nouvelles sur les immenses feux de forêt à Fort McMurray. Les mosquées de tout le pays ont
The Islamic philanthropic ecosystem in Canada developed via a non-linear route that saw visionary leaders leveraging the energy and activism of a growing community to meet the challenges at hand. Contributor Abdul Nakua provides a historical overview and suggests that Islamic philanthropy holds lessons for Canadian society as a whole.
Afin d’inclure la diversité des expériences en matière de genre, cet article utilise les termes généraux « Pluralité de genre » et « personnes de la pluralité de