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Ontario Trillium Foundation: Four decades of change, challenge, and growth

The Ontario Trillium Foundation was formed in 1982 to provide grants to social service organizations in Ontario communities. Funded by the Ontario government, it began with a $15-million budget that has since grown to more than $100 million in funding across the non-profit sector. The Philanthropist Journal digs into the changes and challenges experienced by OTF on its 40th anniversary.

Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario : Quatre décennies de changements, de défis et de croissance

La Fondation Trillium de l’Ontario a été créée en 1982 afin d’octroyer des subventions à des organismes de services sociaux dans les communautés de l’Ontario. Financée par le gouvernement de l’Ontario, elle a commencé avec un budget de 15 millions $ qui est passé depuis à plus de 100 millions $ de financement dans le secteur sans but lucratif. À l’occasion du 40e anniversaire de la FTO, The Philanthropist Journal se penche sur les changements et les défis qu’a connus la FTO.

How – and how much – women give is changing the philanthropic landscape

“Broadly, collectively, holistically”: with increasing awareness that it’s time to unlock the potential of women as a key demographic in fundraising strategies, and with women’s and girls’ organizations receiving just 2% of funding, research like that being done by the Women’s Philanthropy Institute aims to jump-start a more woman-friendly version of philanthropy.

The advocacy riddle

How do we ensure the sector has a significant voice in affecting public policy? New research shines a light on the sector’s advocacy efforts, the related challenges, and the structures needed to make that advocacy both broad-based and nimble.

Shifting the conversation: How the sector is using narrative change to advance social change

Changing the way people think about an issue is a precondition to mobilizing action on it. But which organizations have institutionalized narrative change practices as a strategic priority, and how is that playing out day-to-day? How many non-profits are doing the deep listening necessary to understand how audiences perceive their issues, and developing strategic messaging that can shift the conversation?

Navigating the murky waters of responsible investing

Canadian foundations know that responsible investing can reap both positive impacts and benchmark-beating financial returns, but it isn’t easy – knowing where to invest, measuring social outcomes, even agreeing what to call it. It’s “tough, ongoing work,” says one foundation leader.